Orland Park

  • Orland Park, IL Services

  • At Midwest Lice Specialists, we understand that when you or your child has head lice it can be not only itchy and aggravating, but embarrassing as well. For Orland Park residents in Illinois searching for a one treatment lice solution, we offer a treatment that is effective, safe and pesticide-free.

    In the past, head lice treatment consisted of using products designed for the purpose of removing nits and lice. While these products were great for their time, complete removal with one treatment was not a guarantee – not to mention the process was messy. Our head lice solutions will have you or your child nit-free after a single session! Finally, safe head lice removal you can count on in a professional environment.

  • How does our non chemical head lice removal work? Our technique, process, and treatment is directed to specific areas of the hair/scalp or other affected areas, virtually killing the lice and their eggs. While you may think a hair dryer would do the job, this process involves using a specific temperature at a higher air flow rate, literally destroying the lice in a one and done head lice treatment! No more maddening itch!

    Head lice often spread through the sharing of combs, brushes, and other hair accessories, however in recent years the popularity of “selfies” (taking pictures of one’s self with friends) to post on social media has led to an increase in the problem, because friends or family members often touch heads in these photos. Regardless of how you got them, you want them gone!

    If you’ve searched on “how to get rid of lice,” now you know. At Midwest Lice Specialists, our lice removal process involves no head lice shampoo or other products – just an easy process that requires only 60 – 90 minutes of your time. Call us today at 855-542-3776.

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